Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Purposeful Connecting

Tonight I took the boys to McDonald's - we almost always go on Wednesday night when Nolan (my husband) stays at the church to get ready for Wednesday night activities (he's a youth pastor). Tonight another mom with three small children was also there. Although we didn't know each other, we had an instant bond - we understood the chaos that life becomes with small children. We just visited briefly - comparing ages of children and such - but as she left we wished each other luck. It is heartening to know there are other people out there that understand my place in life. I've just in the past few months begun to re-discover the relief of connecting with other people. I hope to get better at it - more purposeful. Not just moms. But people who share an understanding of some part of life. I think that's what makes friendships. I've never been very good at being a friend. It's kind of scary to connect - I mean seriously connect - more than a few words at McDonald's. So here's to purposeful connecting....I'll let you know how it goes.

Do you remember Doogie Howser M.D.?

Several of my friends have blogs. I read them periodically to stay current. I've never wanted one...I'm not funny; I've never had a desire to share my day to day life with people - or rather felt they would want to read about it; I don't have a life-altering circumstance that people need to know about; I don't want another thing that I have to keep up why blog? Well, when it comes right down to it I've journaled most of my life and the reality is it's much faster to type than write. So as much as I love a new journal and pen - I haven't found the time for them lately (well since I started having babies) - so...I'm going to try out the blog. So, if you happen to stumble upon this blog - I hope for your sake that you find it as fascinating as I did when Doogie Howser M.D. wrote a few lines each week back in the 80's or 90's (whichever it was?). Thank goodness we've moved passed the old black computer screens with green type (was that DOS?).