Just over three months ago our third son - Benjamin John - was born...at home. Good or bad, I consider myself a play by the rules kind of person - and "the rules" don't promote home birth. So how did I find myself here?
Well - honestly it started with cost. A hospital birth without maternity insurance takes a bite out of the budget. But cost alone is not a good reason to make the decision to birth at home. So I did what I do best - research. I searched the Internet - I read books - I talked to home birthers - I interviewed midwives and doctors.
This is what I found...considering my two previous uncomplicated pregnancies - and easy/fast deliveries - I was an excellent candidate for home birth. When I didn't click with my new OBGYN - that sealed the deal.
So we hired Leah - a very skilled midwife - with more than 3000 births under her belt. She came to see us once a month and did all of our prenatal care. When I started contracting a month early - she realized that the baby had a hand up on his head and was causing false contractions.
After three weeks of false contractions - I was tired. Leah offered to move the baby's hand - and said if it was time then labor would start - if not we'd wait. So, on Wednesday, Nov 7, Nolan got the youth service started and then we headed home to meet Leah. About 7:45 p.m. she moved the baby's hand (and yes it hurt a little). About 45 minutes later - the real contractions started. Nolan and I put the boys to bed and hung out - Leah and her husband went to eat - a couple of girls from Mpact (our youth group) stopped by to see what a lady in labor looks like. I noticed if I stood up things got more intense - if I sat down things slowed down. Leah came back around 10 or 10:30 - I was a 5. We visited. I sent Leah to bed at 11 and Nolan and I followed shortly thereafter. He slept - I laid there. Finally at 12:30 I thought if I'll get out of bed and walk around we can get this show on the road. So I went to the living room - turned on HGTV - and walked in circles. About 1 a.m. things got a little more intense and I thought I'd have Leah come check me again - but another show came on tv - and it just so happened that one of my friends from high school was in this episode of house hunters - so I watched it while my contractions continued to get stronger. At 1:30 a.m. I woke Nolan up and Leah checked me - I was a 9. They quickly got the supplies together in the bedroom - while I continued to walk (and moan). Then I sat on the bed - Leah broke my water - I leaned back and two pushes later Benjamin was born at 2:05 a.m. on November 8, 2007. Now in the meantime, Isaac woke up and was present for the birth of his brother (not planned - but pleasant) and Benjamin's cord was wrapped around his neck three times - Leah didn't sweat it - just had me pause in pushing - unwrapped the cord and finished delivering him. Caleb joined us shortly after that - and we had a wonderful time. All along we intended to name this baby Bo. But as Caleb and I sat on the bed with the baby he said we should name him Benjamin. A few minutes later as I was cleaning up in the bathroom - Nolan asked what I wanted to name him - I said Benjamin John - and Nolan said - that's what I was thinking. So Bo became Benjamin - son of good fortune.
The best part of the entire experience was not in the home birth - but in the home recovery. The next few days were so amazing.
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