I'm not quite ready to say, "this is the best thing since sliced bread," but I'm close. Give me a couple of months to implement "the system", and I'll let you know for sure. A friend of mine and I were visiting recently about juggling all the responsibilities of keeping a home, raising a family, being a good wife, working outside the home and doing our part in our community and church. I for one have felt like a failure in just about everything I've done for the past several years. I don't say that to elicit sympathy - it's just a fact. I've longed for those long gone days when I felt successful, businesslike and purposeful. Well, I've got my fingers crossed (and all my toes for good measure) and am hoping this new "system" will work for me!
The same friend I referenced earlier recommended this book - Sidetracked Home Executives. I went to the library and checked it out - now I'll be buying my own copy. I'm not naturally a "BO" - born organizer - if you are, you would probably not benefit much from this system - but for people like me - who get sidetracked easily - it's the solution I've been waiting for for a long time.
So far, I've bought my 3x5 index cards in four different colors, my 3x5 card-holder box and my dividers. Working from the provided job list, I've put EVERY job that I can think of regarding our home (daily thru yearly). Now I will put them behind their proper divider (jan-dec, 1-31). Then, by using a rotating system, I'll have my "to do" list "automatically" generated every day. The second part of the system is going through every closet, cabinet, drawer and "stack" in my house - sorting, purging and organizing. Fortunately, I'm not a "keeper of things" so it shouldn't be to hard - but still a lot of work.
My goal is to have everything on track by the holidays. We'll see....oh, and another of my favorite parts of this system - it gives recommendations on delegating certain tasks to family members - including how to get kids involved in family chores and what is age appropriate.
So if you're looking for something like this in your life - get a copy of the book "Sidetracked Home Executives." I think they have another book that's newer - but I've heard it gets away from the original plan and people don't like it as much. And, one more plus - the book is stinking hilarious!! Even if you are a BO I recommend reading it just for the laughs.
OK - this sounds really interesting & just what I need right now. Sometimes I'm really organized, mostly I feel like a failure in that area. I'd say that Brandi is a "BO" and I long for such efficiency in my home!! Thanks for the info. I'm going to look for it at our local library. BTW - did you go to the ultrasound w/ Katie to find out the sex of the baby? Email me w/ the details!!
Oh, Leigh Anne, you're a sweetie. I don't consider being a natural "BO" is a good thing. In fact, a lot of times the rigidity of it is stifling. But Salem, I completely do not see you as a failure in anything at all. Actually I look at you like a model mom and friend. I'm shocked that you don't feel the same about yourself. I love you!
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