Tuesday, April 13, 2010

House of Dreams

Have you ever had a reoccurring dream? I did when I was little - probably about six years old - I had two and they were both scary. When I got older I recognized it was probably my subconscious trying to process the new world of school and relationships.

Within the last year, I have had another reoccurring dream. As of this morning, I've had it three times. It isn't exactly the same every time, but similar enough for me to call it reoccurring. The first two times, I was in my house - not the house I actually live in, but the house I lived in in my dream. And, all of the sudden I discover a whole new section of the house that I didn't even know existed. I felt upset that I had all this space going to waste and I didn't even know it.

Well, if you know me at all, you know that I've been longing for, dreaming of, coveting a bigger house for several years. So, naturally, I figured this dream had something to do with my subconscious somehow processing that unfulfilled desire.

Then, this morning, I had the dream again. This time, instead of a whole new section of the house that I'd never seen before, there were lots of smaller rooms located here and there throughout my house, and it was obvious that I had at some point known about them because they were partially decorated with my things. But, somehow, I'd forgotten about them. Again, I was upset about all this space going to waste. I wondered how I could have forgotten, when the one thing I'm always looking for is more space.

So, today, I processed those dreams a little more. Could they be spiritual? Is the house really my life? Is all that space that I either (a) didn't know existed or (b) forgot about - really spiritual gifts or purpose that I am failing to use or fulfill?

I don't know. But I did ask God to show me how to use my giftings to better glorify Him. And, to take me down that road.

Either way, I figure I'm better now than I was before those dreams.

1 comment:

Nature Girl said...

I wrote an impassioned comment last nite, but it gave me an error when I tried to submit:~ So, just to say I was astounded to see your dream descriptions. I'm sure we've talked about mine. Exactly!
House, space, rooms...mine involved repairs at one point; and decorating at others; one time creating a space for specific people. But always a space I have forgotten and how to incorporate it in with our life. I interpreted as my life...things Im trying to work out or work through. Haven't had it in about6 months. Guess it's worked out for now:) Watch me have it tonite!