Sunday, September 5, 2010

Almost Done

I know some people really put a lot of stock in certain numbers. Maybe they have a favorite number or....well, I'm not sure why else numbers would be important. I've never given much thought to numbers. In fact, the only significance I can think of relating to numbers is a game we used to play in junior high or high school that you could make a wish when all the numbers on the clock were the same.

But, for some reason, for the past six months or so, the number 33 seems to be following me around. At first I noticed that I every time the clock said 6:33 I happened to see it. I related that to Matthew 6:33 - But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Not a bad daily reminder. Then I started noticing that it wasn't just 6:33, but other "33" times throughout the day. I bet I see it 5 or 6 times a day. At first I thought maybe I was imagining it. Then I began to think that maybe there was a message in it. But what? I'll be 33 on my next birthday. But that's not something I don't already know. Anyway, I've gone through several thought patterns from wonder to worry. Finally I've decided on acceptance. Now every time I see "33" on the clock throughout the day, I take a second and tell God I love him and smile a little smile that He knows means I trust him with whatever "33" means. Imagined or not, I figure this turned out ok.

My "Introduction to Midwifery" class is coming along splendidly. I have been able to put in some serious study time the past few weeks, thanks to my awesome husband! My goal of finishing all my assignments by the end of August was achieved! Now I am in the process of proof-reading all 75 pages of work that I completed (in essay form). Next is completing the pre-test and then the course final. One really good thing about the school I'm going to is the study habits they teach. One is surveying how much you feel you know about a particular subject before you begin a course and then again after you complete the course. Well, I'm blown away at how much I have learned! There have been several facts that have really made me stop and ponder the amazing intricacies of the human body - and the God that put it all together. For example, before a woman ever knows she is pregnant, the fertilized egg begins dividing exponentially. The resulting cells do not have specific purposes. However, when the cells reach the uterus and implant into the uterine lining, the cell division stops temporarily. When it resumes after implantation is complete all the resulting cells are task specific - meaning they may be cells that will make the heart or the brain and so forth. Simply amazing! (I'm really nervous I didn't get all that terminology exactly right, but I don't have my text book with me, so I'm going to go with it and hope the anatomy and physiology people in my life grant me grace!)

One thing that is REALLY on my mind right now is "the next step." Nolan has encouraged me from the beginning to take this journey one step at a time, as I'm notorious for wanting to know the ending from the beginning. So, I've tried to honor that advice - to the best of my ability. So, now, I'm nearly through with the introductory course, and I'm desperately seeking God's plan for the next step. Do I continue with the school I'm with now - which I believe would give me a very high quality education. Or do I go with another of my "top" choices. Do I start right away or continue with my apprenticeship and do some self-study until the choice seems more clear. One thing that keeps rearing it's ugly head is the fact that I'm not getting any younger, and this school thing will take 3 years minimum. I never dreamed of starting a career in my late 30's. Which, by the way, I know is not old to the people who've already been there!

So, I guess we'll see where all this leads.

1 comment:

Karen said...

You go, girl! I'm so proud of you and all you have accomplished so far!!! Does 33 have anything to do with what your next step is?? God will show you what to do and when to do it when He's ready for you to know--easy to say, not easy to do. (I have a feeling the whole trust in HIS timing thing is part of your education, too! :o) Love you!!