Counting the Cost. This seems to be the theme for my life this year. Right now it's just an idea that I spend a lot of time pondering. But I want it to be more than an idea; I'm just not sure what that means just yet. Jesus was pretty specific about what He required of His disciples - read Luke 14:25-35 - you'll get the idea. Thing is, do we really know what He meant by "hate your mother, father, sister, brother, wife, children....", "take up your cross", or "lay down your life." I'm not ready for a theological debate, I just want to find what He intends for those words to mean to me. I certainly don't want to jump into an emotional decision to follow Christ - I want to wisely "count the cost" as He instructs.
I've been reading several stories of people living lives sold out to Christ. Does that mean that those of us living comfortable lives dedicated to our jobs and families aren't true disciples? That isn't for me to decide. But I know a little soul-searching, heart-to-heart time with God never hurts! I trust His guidance - it is always loving and gentle.
Here are a few links to get you thinking.
Kisses From Katie is a blog about a young woman living in Africa with her 14 adopted daughters and Amazima is the organization born out of her desire to help the children of Uganda.
David Platt, pastor of The Church at Brook Hills, taught a radical series on Luke 14 that is causing me to take a hard look at some of the hard words of Christ. I'm not through listening to all of the messages, but so far I'm feeling pretty energized! Dr. Platt has also written a book on the subject called "Radical"; I haven't read it, but I plan on it. It reminds me of another book I read earlier this year that started this whole "Counting the Cost" theme - called "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan.
Finally, I follow several midwife missionary blogs from around the world. One girl linked me to this great article that follows several inspirational stories of people helping people. I'm a sucker for inspirational stories!
By the way, are you wondering about missionary midwives? I know you are :) Here's a great link to a girl working in Sudan.
sheesh!!...i mean... thank you for the inspiration:)
Of course, I am kidding. Happy to learn with you. Much to contemplate.
We are currently going through the radical series with our missional outreach is in your face, it makes me tired of this cushy christianity game we play. We are only fooling ourselves. You may also want to follow, my friend, Kacy and her work in Africa. She is amazing. Her blog is KNOWN in my blogroll. She is very inspiring to us. Glad to know you are going through the same stuff we are!
Glad you liked Katie's blog! It always moves my heart when I read :) Thanks for the recommendations on the books. Gonna add them to my Amazon "wish list". Blessings!
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