Have I mentioned that I really enjoy Facebook? I do. My favorite part - connecting with friends and family that I wouldn't otherwise connect with. Just thought I'd let you know.
I've been doing some soul-searching lately. I have a...dream? I'm not sure it's really a dream.
Maybe - a desire, a "want-to".
A, "I think I'd be good at and really enjoy."
A, "I could live my life and not do this, and be just fine, but I think my life (and maybe some other people's lives) will be better if".
I've prayed and sought counsel. I've researched and made contacts. My emotions have been up and down and back again. And, finally I've found peace, which is what I like to think is God's way of guiding me.
I want to pursue becoming a midwife. And, I am. I'm not quite to the jump-in-with-both-feet point, but I've signed up for an Introduction to Midwifery (funny word) course.
This is a stretch for me. I'd really like to be able to see the BIG picture about now. I consider myself a "follow-the-rules" kind of gal. I like to go with the flow, not stand out - at least not for being different. But, the past few years, God has really stretched me out of my box. It began with home birth and was followed by home school. Two decisions that aren't in my "color-inside-the-lines" comfort zone. Now this desire to become a midwife too??
A few years ago, I wouldn't have even thought of those unconventional options. But, let's just say they wondered into my brain: I would have hoped that IF God wanted me (and He surely wouldn't) to do those things, I would somehow find a way to obey. But as we've encountered each decision, God's peace has been so sure that it was the only NATURAL option. Isn't that amazing. AMAZING!
So, will I become a midwife? I don't know. Right now, I have peace about this introductory course. We'll see what comes next.
I haven't talked about Isaac (son #2) lately. Nolan and I often say, "I love that kid." He's so passionate. He's our cuddler. He'll hug you and not let go. He'll stop what he's doing just to come give you a kiss. Love is not the only emotion he shows, however. It has been, and I'm sure will continue to be, his challenge to operate in self-control. As he is struggling with this, I have found myself, often unsuccessfully, trying to be a role model. Did you know grown-ups are used to getting their way? How did you react the last time things didn't go your way?
I think that is a GREAT idea!! I'm so proud of you for pursuing what the Lord has laid on your heart even if it isn't the easy thing to do. I also think you would be great at it (even though I've never had much experience w/ a midwife). We really need to get together soon!
Blessings to your fam from ours!
Thanks Leigh Anne! You are an awesome encourager! And, yes we NEED to get together. Let's plan it when the weather is a little warmer!
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