Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Bits and Pieces

Willow slept in a regular bed last night - two days before her first birthday. It was way to soon for this momma to let her last baby move out of the crib. But, after four kids, that crib was on its last leg. So, for her safety, the crib came down and the bed went up. She did great. This afternoon, however, has been another story. She and Benjamin (who share a room) are still in there jabbering and laughing - they should have been asleep about 45 minutes ago. I'm hoping they tire out in a little bit!

Homeschool. Just a quick update. LOVIN' IT! It's so rewarding. And, the relationships that I'm enjoying with my children, and the relationships between my children are hands-down my favorite part. What a blessing!

Doula training. Awesome. I learned SO much - wish I would have known it BEFORE I went through labor four times. But, hopefully, I will be able to help other women as they are going through labor! Let me know if you would like a Doula for your birth!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Rhythm or Not

I have NO rhythm. In fact, I even had to ask my husband how to spell that word, rhythm (no vowels, interesting). I was just thinking about something that happened to me years ago in Africa, generally a place that it's good to have rhythm.

(It's weird how things that happened to you years ago pop into your brain without warning.)

I told this story recently at a Bible study for Pastor's wives. There is this erroneous belief that to be a pastor's wife, you must play the piano and/or sing (preferably both). Unfortunately I can do neither. (That's so NOT fair by the way!). Fortunately, I realize I can do neither, and my "Africa story" probably helped me with the understanding that music just isn't my gifting.

In 1998 I went on a mission trip to Tanzania, Africa with a team from my college ministry. We spent two weeks doing various outreaches and helping a missionary couple in Tanzania. While we were there, we did several Vacation Bible Schools. One such VBS was in the Bush. The African Bush is amazing! There is nothing for miles. It really looks like a scene out of The Lion King. Long stretches of African plains with random vegetation, a few scattered up-side-down trees (I don't know what they are really called, but they kind of look like they are upside down), an occasional mesa, and a few mud huts situated in small clumps.

This particular day, we traveled several miles to the bush to do a VBS for a small community that had indicated an interest in the Gospel. In the African bush, VBS is for the entire family, not just the kids. So we hauled our generator and primitive sound system, which consisted of a microphone and a keyboard, to the middle of nowhere. And we set it up. Not a house in site. Not a person in site. There was a "cornfield". Or maybe I should say there was some corn growing. Not anything like a field you would imagine with nice neat cultivated rows and sprinkler systems.

Anyway, we set up our sound system and we began playing some music on the keyboard (not me, for the aforementioned reasons). And they came. Out of the cornfield. I'm telling you, it was like a scene out of "Field of Dreams." My assignment was to lead a lesson complete with a flannel board and Bible characters and a translator. But that came after the singing. For now, I was all caught up in the moment. Watching the people come out of the cornfield, and join our VBS, and participate in worship. Soon, some dear soul brought me a drum.

ohhhhh. If they would have only known. If I would have only been in having a clear-thinking moment. But I wasn't. And, I played that drum with all my heart. And, let me add, it wasn't just any drum. It was a hand-made, goat-skin stretch tight over the top, big drum. Probably someone's prize possession. And they gave it to me. Like I said, I have NO RHYTHM. And, now Africa knows it. And, they promptly took my drum away. Really. They walked over to my and took the drum. The end. (I did do my lesson, and had more success.)

So, I hold no "pastor's wives" illusions about needing to sing or play an instrument - have I mentioned that I can't even remember the words to church songs that I've sung for years. If the projector screen were to go out, I'd still sing my heart out (in my seat, you don't have to be good to worship God in your seat) but I guarantee you the words wouldn't be the ones the author put together!

By the way, is it weird that I married a drummer? I mean, the boy beats on the steering wheel in the car. He beats on his leg, he taps his foot - he has a beat in his head ALL the time. And, he loves me. Strange how that works.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I'm taking a class this weekend in Oklahoma City - a Doula training course.

What the heck is a doula?
A doula is a person who supports a woman in labor. The doula is trained in comfort measures, stages of labor, positions for labor, the 3 Rs - rhythm, relaxation and ritual - which are helpful in labor. She also helps a couple, or single woman, prepare a birth plan, she provides extra support for the woman's partner, she helps you communicate with the caregivers (like doctors, nurses, midwives, etc) if necessary. A doula can also be certified as a postpartum doula. She then helps the woman/couple transition at home. She helps with breastfeeding, sleeping, newborn questions and can even do light housework and cooking. (For more info. see the "doula" link above.)

I signed up for the course primarily to supplement my midwifery training. In order to prepare for the class I've read two books, "The Birth Partner" and "Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn". I wish I would have read them before I had my four kids! I would definitely recommend them if you are expecting.

Deciding to pursue midwifery training has launched a range of emotions in me. One of those emotions is the possibility of letting down my husband and/or kids. Fortunately, Nolan and I have a strong marriage. He is supportive of my dreams, but we've also agreed to take this one step at a time and be on the lookout for things that would not be good for our family. So, I guess I'm viewing this weekend as the first kind of "test" of that commitment.

In case you are wondering, I've submitted my application for the Introduction to Midwifery class at the Ancient Art of Midwifery Institute. I should hear something in the next few weeks. Check out the link for more info on this class and the school.