Saturday, May 15, 2010

What are you doing that requires faith?

I'm reading a book called "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan, a mega-church pastor with a few different ideas about how we should be doing church and living out our lives devoted to Jesus. I've started reading this book multiple times the past couple of years, but never got past chapter 3. This time things are different. I'm moderating the book/video series for our Homebuilders Sunday School class. Sometimes I need a little extra motivation to get things done - this assignment has proved most helpful, and I just finished chapter 7 (of 10).

In chapter 7, Francis gets into some verses that we tend to "overlook", like "sell all your possessions and give to the poor" (Luke 12:33). He also talks about Christ telling us "to count the cost of following Him and surrendering everything". That place of trust is nearly unheard of in our comfortable, American Christianity.

He goes on to ask the question, "What are you doing that requires faith?" If it is easier, he says, break that question into two parts - What are you doing? and then, of those things, What requires faith?

Of course I have to examine my own life as I explore these truths. What am I doing that requires faith? There have been several things that have taken faith for me the past few years. First, was having my last two babies at home. Second, was beginning to homeschool our oldest two children. And, most recently, was the decision to pursue training in midwifery. All three of these things were outside my comfort zone, but we felt God's leading us in all of these areas.

In hindsight, homebirth and homeschool were obviously the right choices; we were being obedient. But, in the midst of those decisions, we had to take a giant step of faith saying, "God, we sure hope we're hearing you right on this one!"

I'm still in the "giant step of faith" stage on the midwifery training. It is something I definitely have an interest and desire to do, but there are so many other things to consider.
  • Is pursuing a direct-entry midwifery licence right vs. a nurse-midwife training.
  • How am I going to apprentice when the closest midwives are two hours away / how will this affect my family?
  • This is taking a major time commitment. Is it worth the sacrifices of family, friends, free-time?
  • What if I get trained, become a midwife, start practicing and a momma or baby dies?
  • What if I get trained, become a midwife, start practicing and the gov't changes the laws regarding midwives?
  • What if people talk about how wacky I am behind my back?
  • What if people think/say I'm endangering moms and babies?
These things make me feel a little like Abraham. God told Him to pack up his family and possessions and go "to a place I will show you." I sincerely feel like that.
God didn't give me the entire plan, step by step, He simply answered a prayer I voiced, by saying, "Why don't you figure out what it would take to become a midwife." He didn't say start this training, go to this school, apprentice with these midwives, practice in this location.
So, I'm learning to take it one step at a time. And, that is what I'm doing that requires faith right now. It's definitely not in the league with, "selling all my possessions and giving to the poor", but I believe it's what is required of me right now. And, these steps of obedience should prepare me for the steps yet to come.

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