Thursday, July 22, 2010

Birth High

So it's 10:31 p.m. and I've been up for almost 40 hours straight - although I did get a 2 1/2 hour nap somewhere in the middle of the night. But my adrenaline is still flowing so fast, I decided to make a quick post to reflect on the last two days in my birth bubble.

A sweet friend of mine was induced yesterday morning and labored throughout the day - slowly. I made a couple of trips to the hospital to check on her. Finally at 9:30 p.m. things started getting a little harder, and she asked me to come to the hospital to help her out. I knew that I was going to get to attend her birth, but I wasn't sure she really wanted me to support her during labor. What a privilege! She was so strong - enduring Pitocin contractions (the REALLY hard kind) for 13 hours - before she reached her goal of dilating to a 5 and getting an epidural. She was so amazing! Her mom also happened to be her nurse throughout the night. And, I learned so much from her. We tried several comfort techniques. I learned to operate the hospital beds. And, hour by hour we made it through. Finally after reaching a 5, the epidural allowed her some time to rest before time for baby. (Thus the 2 1/2 hour nap.) Around 5 a.m. baby surprised us during a check and said, "It's time!" The medical team rallied; I took a coveted position next to mama's knee; and then got to coach her through pushing. And she was a champ. Her beautiful daughter was born at 5:27 a.m. - not bad for a first-time mama. What an amazing experience. My first opportunity to watch a new life enter the world - I didn't exactly see my own children as they made their debut, as I was a little bit busy ; ) And, to top it all off, the medical team, knowing my deep interest in childbirth, involved me by explaining several procedures as they went along - including suturing and checking out the placenta. I am blessed! Thank you!

Then my day went on. I went home, showered, did the morning routine with my kiddos - Nolan is at church camp this week - so our sweet babysitter spent the night with the kids while I was at the hospital. Then we got in the car (the kids and I - not the babysitter) and went to Amarillo for a day full of prenatal appointments. My sister-in-law and brother were the best, as they volunteered to keep my four little ones while I went and did midwifery apprenticing stuff.

Six prenatal appointments later - and I am on a birth high! I palpated (pushed around on pregnant tummies to feel the baby's position); I found and listened to heart beats; I tested urine (I even liked this part!); I measured the uterus; I charted (wrote down all the important stuff in the file); I listened and learned from my mentor as she listened to her clients and gave advice on a number of pregnancy related issues. I met six sweet women who are allowing me a place in their birth stories. Joy, Joy, Joy! And, I came home with six more big books to read.

After all that, I picked up my peeps, and we headed home. And, by some miracle (thank you Jesus) I wasn't even tired on the LONG drive home. What a day!

Goodnight! Sweet dreams!


Karen said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE reading your excitement over what you are doing!!!! And the fact that you are doing it with four little ones PROVES that it is a GOD thing! :o) Love ya!

Leigh Anne said...

Awesome post!! So happy for you ;) You are going to be a natural. I also checked out your website and it is great! Very informative and easy to navigate. So proud of you for heading down this road and pray the Lord continue to guide you and bless your socks off!!